Primary 6
Mr Gilmore's Primary 6 Class
Welcome to Primary 6! I have been delighted with how everyone has settled into school life and have been working so hard. During the 2nd term we are working to improve our Mental Maths skills, our Comprehension and Reading ability and learning all about 'The Vikings'!! We have recently started our Ballymoor Fc P.E sessions and are continuing with our Ryan McBride PE sessions, which take place every Thursday afternoon. ay.
Keep visiting our website to catch a glimpse of the brilliant work and activities that our P6 pupils are completing.
In Primary 6 we aim to develop our ICT skills and use a range of resources such as; Google Classroom, Adobe Creative Studio, Sounds in Focus, Mathletics, C2k Newsdesk and Minecraft. Below are a list of links to some of these;
My School Login (To help access Newsdesk)
Nessy (Password - Awkwardboom)
Latest Photographs

Class Photograph